It has been a few weeks since I last posted to my blog and I have a few things to say about my encounters and accomplishments since being locked. First, I have to say that I am soooo in love with my hair. This is really a dream come true for me. I don't mind the little things I have to do to my little locks. I washed and curled my hair all by myself two days ago and that is a big thing for me, because in my relaxer days when straight hair was supposed to be so easy to style, I never cared to roll, blow dry, or even sit under a dryer to style my hair. Not to mention using a curling iron everyday. I guess it was because I knew it would have to be done again the next day and the fact that I really didn't know how to make my hair look good. Now, my hair just looks good all by itself. Of course there are a few of us who just don't understand the beauty and freedom of natural hair. You know. The ones who are ashamed of being who they really are and what God has given them. The sisters who hide behind perms, weaves, and other things just so they can impress the other races or even the brothers who go for that long straight hair. Little do they realize those same brothers know weave when they see it. I have found that more white people take notice of my natural hair and make very positive comments about my locks. Oh yes, my people take notice too. I have had a handful of positive comments from sistas, negative stares, and even one that laughed and pointed. I quickly educated her on what I was styling. Just so happened I had a sisterlock magazine with me that my sister had recently mailed to me. I kindly showed her the pictures and said to her,"You laughing at my hair now, you won't be laughing when my hair looks like this a few months from now." She looked at the pictures and didn't know what to say. I am so proud of my natural self. I have never felt so comfortable with myself. Since then, I have recruited a few sistas who are just waiting to get enough new growth to be locked. Now that's what I call conquering prejudice with pride. Its just a shame the prejudice has to be within our own race.