Here I am five months later (click on pics for larger view) and I am really beginning to see changes in my hair. I am very pleased with the results thus far and I know my locks will only get better. I have been maintaining my hair myself (with the advice from my sister Creyole of coarse). Using the nappy lock tool is very easy for me. Once I got my routine going there was no looking back. The size my locks are turning out to be is just perfect for me. I left all that up to Creyole when she was installing them. I can always depend on her. For one thing I don't think I would have been able to do a good job tightening them if they had been any smaller. As you can see from my pictures my hair is very thick, and is beginning to get some length. It feels spongy and springy. Sometimes after I was my hair the ends seem to get a little wild, but I don't panic I just twist the ends gently with my fingers and they fall right back into place. If I had to give anyone advice on wearing locks it would be to just relax and enjoy your natural hair, because I can say for myself that my hair is enjoying being natural. This is one of the best things I have ever done for myself. If by chance I make a mistake while tightening my locks I just say,"Oh Well, I'll just have to wait till more new growth comes and do it right next time. " I promise you your new growth will come in fast. Yes, wearing locks is a lifestyle, but only if you don't mind being laid back or carefree will you love this life style. One has to also know who they are in order to enjoy wearing locks. Being unhappy with oneself, wanting to look like someone else, or longing to have a hair type that one was not born with are all obstacles one must over come before being locked. As for me, I love me. Thank you Jesus for me just as I am! I absolutely love my hair. Thanks again Sis.